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    Is community always physical closeness?

    I woke up early this morning with one question scrolling through my mind. How can we break through the barriers of social distancing and create a community of closeness? Is community always about proximity; being physically near one another? Or can we learn to develop a new layer of community without physical touch? During the past few weeks as the corona-virus has swept around the globe and reached our local communities, I have had the opportunity to connect online with friends, young mothers, teens and some of the elderly in our personal social network. For some their concerns raise an element of fear, for others they are already experiencing loneliness,…

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    Social distancing provides the provision of prayer

    This morning I was thinking of the importance of prayer during this outbreak of corona-virus. We may not be able to get together with each other, but we can pray. We can pray for our community, national and local leaders, church leadership, families, the elderly, parents who are struggling financially because they can’t work from home, parents with school age children who are now at home, loved ones whom we cannot travel to see; pray for those living in nursing homes, sick in hospitals, nurses, doctors and those incarcerated. PRAY! The list is endless of who we can pray for. Nearly daily I receive a message from a young teen…

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    Walking through the grocery store yesterday I stopped to talk with a friend who was also shopping. As we chatted between the crossroads of chips and dairy, I became aware of my surrounding. “Stop and listen.” I told him. We both stopped and inquisitively looked around. The store was packed with afternoon shoppers; but no one was talking. They were quietly moving around the store loading up their carts. “Don’t you find this odd?” I asked. “That’s fear.” He observed. The day before in another larger store I came face to face with another kind of fear. It swept through the store with panic, rudeness, carts rushing the isles at…