Fear-Chatter Continues
As we spring courageously from the tip of fear we launch ourselves into a world of authenticity, truth and freedom. Risky but rewarding! Authentic living begins where the tip of fear ends! Linda Jane Dingeldein: Different by Design Where fear ends-life begins He was a large, intimidating figure in contrast to my petite 15-year-old frame. The only teacher who taught the required math class I needed to graduate High School. As I entered the room the smell of fear still hung heavy, mingled with stale air from the previous class. I took my assigned seat, instantly coveting those who sat further toward the back. Startled, I looked up.…
Stop the Masquerade: Unveil the Masks
“Be yourself; everyone else is taken.” Oscar Wilde Unveiling the Masks By continuously covering up God’s good and perfect design, we are shouting out the message; “God, your masterpiece is not good enough.” “God. You messed up when you made me!” As Christ followers I don’t think any of us would really believe that message; yet we subconsciously say it when we masquerade as something we were never meant to be, in order, to gain the appeal and approval of others. “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10…