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    New Day Prayer

    Help me Father, to begin to see You at the start of each day. I pause to linger now in your Presence. Beginning my day with the knowledge that You are here with me. I have nothing to fear, for You are my God. I bask in the truth that you are goodness, holiness, righteousness and redemption. Search me God, know my heart. Shine Your light of truth on anything that hints towards self-seeking, and not looking towards You to fill me, and flow through me. Cleanse me from my sin of seeking after self-centered gain. Replace self with the joy of entering mission with You and reaching out to…

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    The Secret Sanctuary

    Enter into the Secret Place Have you ever longed for a secret refuge, a place of your own? That perfect spot where you could tuck yourself away from the world so you could pray or be alone with your thoughts – unnoticed by others. As a young girl I would often watch my oldest sister quietly leave the house and disappear around the curve in our country road. I would watch with mystery, wondering where she was going. Funny how I never thought to follow her. Somehow my heart knew this was her alone time. Years later I asked my sister where she would go and what she would do…