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    Wasting Energy On What May Never Happen

    The sun is shy, blinking its way through the rain-filled clouds. On days like this, I awake in a mood. I want to stay asleep instead of bounding out of bed with anticipation of what a new day will bring. I click on the white, year-round Christmas lights in my studio. An apparent need for extra light on this dismal summer morning. On my way for coffee, I click on the set above my dining room hutch. Some days just call for extra illumination. This is one of them. Rest Robbers How is it possible to wake up just as tired as you were when you went to bed eight…

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    4 Steps to Rid Yourself of Fear-Chatter

    Letting Truth Take Hold  In previous weeks we have learned about the debilitating effects of attending to fear-chatter. Take heart my friend!  Through the truth of God’s Word, we CAN rid ourselves of fear-chatter. If you haven’t joined the conversation yet; check out our first dialog at http://www.lindajanedingeldein.com/fear-chatter/   And the second at http://www.lindajanedingeldein.com/fear-chatter-continues/ This is the final posting in a three-part series. Ridding ourselves of fear-chatter takes work. As I have gone through the discipline of putting these steps into practice, I have seen how my desire to overcome fear-chatter can be easily thwarted. Be patient! It takes time; but in the end you will reap the blessing of learning…