Vulnerability Yields True Community
After a particularly hard week, I spent an evening pouring out my heart to a trusted friend. Having a good listener at the other end of my struggles lifted my spirit. My sharing turned into mutual encouragement, finishing with a time of prayer for each other, acknowledging that we both had needs that neither of us could fix. The words that touched heaven were heart-pleas, that God would show us His presence, administer His peace amid overwhelm, and invade the lives of those we love by showing up and doing the impossible. In short – do a miracle in us and them! Prayer brings peace and the empowerment of the…
Fear-Chatter Continues
As we spring courageously from the tip of fear we launch ourselves into a world of authenticity, truth and freedom. Risky but rewarding! Authentic living begins where the tip of fear ends! Linda Jane Dingeldein: Different by Design Where fear ends-life begins He was a large, intimidating figure in contrast to my petite 15-year-old frame. The only teacher who taught the required math class I needed to graduate High School. As I entered the room the smell of fear still hung heavy, mingled with stale air from the previous class. I took my assigned seat, instantly coveting those who sat further toward the back. Startled, I looked up.…
Fear – Chatter: Stepping into the conversation I have never liked ordinary. The word ordinary sounds too much like the word beige. Nothing extra. No descriptors. Just plain-blah-beige. I am sure that some will argue with my next statement. So, here goes! “I don’t think there are any all-inspiring descriptors for the words beige.” It just shouts ORDINARY to me. Shades like sangria, cerulean, mulberry or even marmalade instantly take my mind far away from the ordinariness of beige; to a world of color, design and endless possibilities. A satisfied extra-ordinarian My husband is a satisfied “ordinarian”. He loves vanilla ice-cream. He is satisfied with brownies without the nuts.…