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    Comfort for Life’s Storms

    Come… weary and burdened As my husband and I joined in prayer, an overwhelming sense of God’s nearness pervaded my anxious soul. As we invited the Father to handle our deep concerns, I was flooded with a sense that in the end, all would be well. God was at the helm and we could lay down our habit of holding on to the controls – by relinquishing all to Him. In this I knew that He has our best interest at the center of His heart. How I needed to rest in this truth! Despite our ineptness to personally mange our angst, we knew that there was nothing humanly possible…

  • Blog

    Rest, Walk, Stand in God’s Love

    The Voices in Our Head What would it take for me to know that I can live fully loved by God? I can live loved when life is smooth, and the sun seems to be shining down on me. When all is good in my world. But when it crashes down around me, I struggle to look up. I wrestle with knowing that this could be a part of the plan of a loving God. I suffocate under the weight of the crush of life. How do I live loved when life is not what I want it to be? When there are not people in my life telling me…