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    Prayer for Chronic Pain Suffers

    It’s two in the morning. A hot tumbler of peppermint tea sits to the side of my computer. In a sleepy stupor, I watch mesmerized, as the steam dissipates into the chilly morning air. I am hoping that my first sip will help to soothe “what-ails-me.” No answers to chronic pain keep me awake. I pray. I struggle. I sort out all I have done to find answers. I take another long, hard look at the answers I do have. Yet, in all this, the real answer alludes me and doctors alike. So, it is mornings like this that I find myself writing, praying, thinking of other chronic-pain-suffers, who also…

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    Vulnerability Yields True Community

    After a particularly hard week, I spent an evening pouring out my heart to a trusted friend. Having a good listener at the other end of my struggles lifted my spirit. My sharing turned into mutual encouragement, finishing with a time of prayer for each other, acknowledging that we both had needs that neither of us could fix. The words that touched heaven were heart-pleas, that God would show us His presence, administer His peace amid overwhelm, and invade the lives of those we love by showing up and doing the impossible. In short – do a miracle in us and them! Prayer brings peace and the empowerment of the…