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    Surprised by God: Chemotherapy Reflection Part Three

    On January 06, 2023, I went for my third chemotherapy treatment. I have now made it halfway through! After a good appointment with the PA on the oncology team, I headed off to treatment. It was a full waiting room and took a while for me to get a space. All twenty-three rooms on my side of the hall were full, except for two, and one was to be mine. Making a Choice Due to technical issues, my treatment was delayed two hours. Joel and I realized this would be a very long and tiring day, with a three-hour drive home on top of treatment time. I had to pause…

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    He will hold me fast!

    Today I woke up singing a rendition of He Will Hold Me Fast by Keith and Kristyn Getty. As I fixed my first cup of coffee, heated a grain-free, banana muffin, and sat to meditate, I began to reflect on each phrase. It was in this time of silent reflection, that I felt the truth of these words from head-to-toe. I needed this melody of truth ringing in my ears. As it settled upon my heart, I stepped into another day. When I fear my faith will fail, Christ will hold me fast; When the tempter would prevail, He will hold me fast. I could never keep my hold through…