
Despite Covid I Have Jesus!

It is day nine of Covid. There is not a creative thought in my head. I am weary.

When there are no words to write, it is the Word of God that gives me hope. It is here among these pages of truth that God tells me that I am not alone. He is enough. It is here that I find rest, renewal of heart and mind; as the longing to be Christ-like rises to the surface and spills out upon my blank journaled page.

Today, these words spill out as scriptural affirmation and a prayer to God.

Right now because of Covid, my health has failed, and my spirit has grown weak, but I know that God will remain as the strength of my heart. He is mine forever. Because of this surety I wait quietly before God, my hope is in God alone.

A new year is quickly approaching, as I face it amidst the trial of Covid I think on these things:

God, I desire to be made new in the attitude of my mind. To put on a new self that is created after you, in true righteousness and holiness, no longer conforming to the pattern of this world; but being transformed by the renewing of my mind.

God, I want to be able to test and approve what God’s will is—your good, pleasing and perfect will. To hear your voice say, “This is the way, walk in it.”

God, show me where I have gone astray. Open my eyes to ways that I have chosen unrighteousness over right-living. Your Word tells me to repent and turn to God, so that my sins may be wiped out, and that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.

Search me O God and know my heart. Test me and know my thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you and lead me along the path of everlasting life. Create in me a pure heart and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.

God, I desire these things, because I desire you. Yet, God… right now I am so weary.

Daughter of mine, do not be anxious about anything, even in this situation, pray. Yield up to me your petitions. Present your needs as a thank offering.

Rest in my love, allowing my peace to wash over you. I will stand guard over your heart and your mind.

Be filled today with the knowledge that I am here. I know just what you need for this day. Remember, my yoke is easy and light. Don’t put undue pressures upon yourself, for I am gentle and humble in heart. In me you will find the rest you need.

Your flesh and heart may fail, but I will be the strength of your heart and your portion now and forever.

The end of 2020 is fast approaching. For some, they can’t wait to toss the past 12 months behind them and never look back. For me, I need to still consider this as a year of remembrance. God was present in these past 12 months. We’re they hard? Absolutely, but He has shown me His faithfulness. His mercies have been new each and every morning. He has been present.

I don’t know where the end of 2020 has brought you, but I do know that God promises that He will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint and today I am counting on that.

Lean in. Listen. Look for the goodness of God. He will fulfill His promises of hope, comfort and strength. Despite a hard year behind us, we can know that we will end this year and begin another with the goodness of God surrounding us.

“You both precede and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to know!” Psalm 139:5

No matter what is going on in my life, I can count on the Word of God to be my stability!

(Psalm 62:5, Isaiah 40:30-31, Ephesians 4:22-24, Romans 12:2, Isaiah 30:21, Acts 3:19, Psalm 139:23-24, Psalm 51:10-12, Philippians 4:6-7, Matthew 11:29, Psalm 73:26, Jeremiah 31:25)







After twenty-five years as a missionary, Linda Jane is now entering a new ministry role as pastor’s wife; where she will serve alongside of her husband Joel, in Warren, Pennsylvania. The calling to serve Christ remains the same, as does her endeavor to reach women with the gospel message, and to teach them to live authentically out of who God created them to be. Linda's passion is communication through the spoken and written word, photography and illustration. She loves all things cultural, creative and colorful.